
Vibes Gourmet

For a while, I have been too busy to come up with content worthy of posting. But now I get to start this off properly, and I cannot think of a better subject than Vibes Gourmet.

When we first found out about this place, we did not even know what it was called; a friend just suggested we try "that place behind Cebu Doc (Cebu Doctor's Hospital)," which someone had recommended. At first I was a bit hesitant to try some dinky hospital carinderia, but I was in for a surprise.

This place is apparently known for their Indian/fusion cuisine, and so I tried their chili garlic chicken, and when the order came, I was instantly hooked. The tender, juicy meat, and the combination of spices, along with the rich, savoury biryani rice, was unlike anything I expected. No boring generic curry here; this was clearly the product of careful artistry. I have also since sampled several other dishes, including the Cajun-style and the punjabi chicken (lasting favorites), and the lemon pepper and herb-spiced chicken dishes, and was equally impressed. Also worth mentioning are the special spicy sauce they serve with dishes and the spiced vinegar of their own concoction, which they call pinakuyaw (literally, made severe).

The Chicken Punjabi
At some point, the proprietor came up to us to solicit our opinions on the meal, and we expressed our unequivocal satisfaction. It was no surprise that this Chinese gentleman turned out to be a culinary enthusiast, and experiments with exotic spices. His stock, as he indicated, was locked up in a storage area restricted to only trusted staff, but he was happy to show them off to us. He came to our table with jars of heavenly saffron, sweet cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom, hickory, various chilis, and many others, inviting us to smell or taste the samples, while describing in detail where each originated, how he procured them, and their various applications. He also made us sample several fruit and milk shakes of his own creation. It was a fantastic adventure of the senses!

It is a rare pleasure to meet an entrepreneur and a chef with such personality and enthusiasm, not to mention culinary talent, especially in such a humble restaurant (and a restaurant it is, no less). I can hardly imagine how he can afford to put such dedication into the product, considering the market and the very reasonable prices. In any case, it is great for the patrons, and of those I am sure he will have no shortage.

This open-air restaurant is roomy and comfortable, and is frequented by an interesting variety of patrons aside from the usual nursing/medical students from nearby schools, from a group of Persian regulars to visiting backpackers. The staff provide quick and satisfactory service, and are always polite. Even the moonstruck 3rd-party, er... gentleman, who frequently comes and provides entertainment in the form of surprisingly high-pitched renditions of diva pieces, makes for an interesting addition to the scene.

For a long time after that first time, my friends and I knew it only as the Cebu Doc place, until someone noticed their signage and pointed out that this delightful little place is called Vibes Gourmet. No matter, though, as we still have been going back regularly, each time looking forward to trying another dish and a new experience. Cebu Doc will always be associated with great food and a full tummy. A culinary delight, by any name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Pao!

And for your readers, I recommend that they try the longgan milkshake at Vibes'

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